Monday, October 28, 2019

Rocket Day - Bond Park October 2019

Another Rocket Day at Bond Park and it was eventful. Two rockets were lost and another was damaged.

The first launch was my Crossfire ISX. I didn't compensate properly for the wind and it was snagged just at the edge of the tree line. Kinda bummed because it had a nice dark green and black color scheme.

Towards the end of the event I lost my Amazon to a tree after overcompensating for wind. My son really like the Amazon because it was big and had a sporty orange and black color scheme (I opted not to use the hokey large sticker).

Funny, because the Crossfire ISX and Amazon were the first two rockets I built after restarting this hobby. The Amazon became one of my favorites, because of its size take-offs were dramatic and was fun to watch come down with it's large parachute. Both came together in the Tandem X launch set.

The showboat of the day was my son's Flip-Flier. It was the most exciting one to watch come down. We had no issues with the parachute catching during ejection. Thinking I may need to look into some more helicopter recovery systems. We were so excited about launching and watching it that I didn't take any pictures. Maybe next time I can get a video of the recovery.

Another highlight of the day was the first launch of my Nike-X.

The final launch was the my Hi-Flier. The first launch about midway through the day resulted in a partial crack in one fins. I repaired it with some superglue and decided to put in a C motor. Since I had already lost two rockets why not a third. We were able to recover it but the fin ended up splitting all the way through and the piece was lost.

OCTOBER 19, 2019

As we were packing up a boy and his mother came up to ask us about the hobby. I gave them a run down of the what model rockets were, how to get started and what they would need to buy for repeated launches. I took a 'card' out of a packaging of motors so they would have the Estes name to do some research.


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